Friday, September 18, 2015

Week 4 Status Update

Week 4 Status Update:
This week our focus has been on end-user requirements elicitation. Although our primary contact, Brian Nofziger, has been able to tell us a little bit about what it's like to use the tablet system, we felt it would be advantageous to speak with someone who has significant experience using both the paper forms-based system of the past and the tablet-based system that Hooper Holmes is currently transitioning to. Brian was able to put us in contact with a long-time screening professional, Cindy Sucharski, who has used both systems extensively. From our interview with Cindy, we gained:

  • Use cases of the paper forms system and the tablet system, with exceptions and alternate flows such as how to re-screen a patient when their information is entered correctly.
  • Insight into the goals of the end users - they strive to meet a metric of 10 mins/patient
  • Usability needs of the end users who are not always "tech-savvy".
  • The need for easier training for screeners who have never used the tablet system before.
  • More knowledge of the information which is distributed to the nurses - we thought the nurses only recieved the forms they needed to fill out for each patient, but they also recieve scripts for how to talk to the patients while they are performing their screenings.
  • The pain points of the paper-based system such as the fear of losing a page of confidential patient information and the need to check every individual page on-site, even though this check could not be completed in time to re-screen patients if a mistake had been made the first time.
  • Other needs of the end users which our system could meet such as the need for better statistics about how often the screeners meet their metrics (right now they only know that they "start and end on time", now how well individual screeners perform).

Our next steps are:

  • Analyze and diagram our collected use cases from Brian and Cindy to ensure we have a complete picture of the system
  • Write a comprehensive Software Requirements Specification.
  • We will also be in touch with Brian to learn the answers to any remaining questions we may have and to present our SRS to him for review.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week 3 Status Update

Tasks Accomplished This Week:
  • Interviewed Brian Nofziger and made a list of requirements
    • He was able to give us experience and information on the product from both management and end-user perspectives
    • Defined the constraints of our system
    • Learned about the systems outside our application that we will be interacting with
  • Wrote Vision and Scope document based on requirements and business objectives covered by Brian Nofziger
  • Sent Vision and Scope document to Brian for review
  • Completed this blog post

Tasks for Next Week:
  • Communicate with project stakeholder to go over feedback on vision and scope
  • Get contact info for an end user for an additional perspective on this product

Main Objective: Requirements Confirmation

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Week 2 Status Update

Project Overview / Description
    Hooper Holmes is looking to replace their current paper-based data collection methods for on-site health screenings with a software solution. The project sponsor and primary stakeholder has been secured and we will be working with him on requirement elicitation in the next week to learn more about the business and user needs.

Tasks Accomplished This Week:
  • Chose a project
  • Identified a primary project stakeholder (project owner) as point-of-contact
  • Created a list of interview topics for project owner
  • Wrote some questions related to each interview topic
  • Contacted project owner to arrange an interview & request existing project documentation
  • Identified some system constraints
  • Created a blog

Tasks for Next Week:

Main Objective: Create Vision & Scope Document

  • Receive what documents we can from the owner and derive interview questions from them
  • Interview Brian Nofziger to learn:
    • Long-term goals, success criteria & business objectives for project
      • Why does this system need to be made?
      • What will it enable your company to do?
    • User classes & contact info of user representatives
      • Who are the direct & indirect users of the system?
      • How can we contact them?
    • Other stakeholders & contact info
      • Who are they & what is their stake in the project?
    • Existing or previous systems
      • Why do they need to be replaced?
            Who has used them? (contact info)
      • What were the plans and requirements for the creation of these existing systems?
        • How do they vary from the new requirements? (if at all)
    • Existing tools or technologies that can or should be used.
    • Existing documented requirements
    • Constraints: deadlines, budget constraints
    • Business needs esp. privacy needs
      • What privacy regulations affect this project?
      • Can we get documentation on them?
      • Why do they exist?

Test Post

This is a test to make sure that the permissions are correct. Yeah.